TUESDAY, MAY 6 – 8:00 PM

Yes! Join us once again at Spectacle for another round of…well, whatever you made!

Starts With Dad is a loose group with two goals: shoot something, show something. No need to be a filmmaker, an artist, or an actor. It’s all about the impulse to create, no matter how unprofessional.

The theme is a bit different this time. We need a compelling enough hook to draw in outsiders and grow our numbers, so this month will be “Ripped From the Headlines.”

The rule is simple: find a news article from the months of March or April, open your film on the headline, your film must follow from there.

Remember, there is a 7 minute limit. Keep in mind that it’s up to 7 minutes so if you have 20 brilliant seconds, Dad will still be proud.

You can glean further info, find out how to participate (or, you know, just show up with your film!), and see previous Starts With Dad films at

You will find human tissue obsessed housewives, deicidal squirrels, claymation testicles, jump rope gurus, blatant plagiarism, and lots else besides.