
SATURDAY, JULY 19 – 7:30 PM & 10:00 PM

On July 19th, Spectacle invites you for a ONE NIGHT ONLY collaboration: Planet Revenge! But rather than the lunging sci-fi epic suggested by the title, please join us instead for a languorous and lush tribute to everybody’s favorite orb, scored by Benjamin Felton’s Blood Revenge. Felton plays long form songs on electric guitar, inspired by equal parts finger-picked guitar playing, Indian classical music, the outdoors, and synthesizers; through loops and improvisation, an attempt is made at briefly changing how the performer and the audience experience a space and interact with each other.

Felton’s music can be considered as a blissed-out soundtrack for your commute to work, or as a sonic landscape of your favorite vacation spot – in this case, Mother Earth! Against a cornea-copia of cascading waterfalls, frozen ice, trickles of dew jogging down-leaf and swooping canvases of lakes, rivers, gullies and countrysides, Felton will use his guitar-power to interpret an already-established story told exclusively through visual images and field sounds, echoing unforgettable onscreen textures off of Spectacle’s four walls in a feast of sight and sound. Planet Revenge: so breathtaking, it’ll turn you into an environmentalist.